Course Enrolment

Please review the courses on offer for this term on the Current Program page.

When you have decided which courses you want to enrol in, fill in your details in the form below, select the courses you are interested in and click the "Enrol Me!" button. Please only enrol ONCE for a course. If you enrol more than once other members may not be able to join that class.

IMPORTANT – you may need to scroll to the bottom of the form to complete the enrolment.


Am I OK? Signs of Good Mental Health with Peter Campbell

14-Nov 10:30 am - 12pm

CWA Cottage, Bermagui


Am I OK? Signs of Good Mental Health Repeat with Peter Campbell

21-Nov 10:30 am - 12pm

CWA Cottage, Bermagui


Building Relationships: Australia & Indonesia with Andrew MacIntyre

22-Nov 10:30 am - 12pm

Bermagui Mens Shed


End of Life Issues at Any Age with Christiane Violet

13-Nov 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Bermagui Mens Shed


Friday Film and Lunch

1-Nov, 6-Dec 10:30 am - 1:30 pm

Kinema, Narooma


The Island of Flores with Bruce Leaver

18-Nov 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Hall, BCCentre, Bermagui


Walk, Talk and a Cuppa with Chris and Sheila

18-Nov, 25-Nov 9am - 10am

The meeting location will be advised before each walk.